We know that monkeys live in the jungle, leopards live on the savannah, and raccoons live in forest. Or do they? It might be a surprise to you, but many of the most biggest and exotic animals can also be found in cities! I will share with you 5 examples of wild animals, living in cities.
1 Pigeons
Found throughout most of the world, pigeons are one of the most successful urban birds. They adapt easily to city life, as they often nest on buildings which is similar to nesting on cliffs in the wilderness. They will also build nests in crannies, or rain gutters. They will pretty much build anywhere, in or outside buildings.
During nesting season, the male pigeon brings stems, sticks and straw to the female. The male brings these materials, while the female builds the nest. They also reuse the nest many times. Pigeons mate for life.
In the wild they forage for seeds and grains to eat. In the city, it’s much easier as they are able to feast on leftovers (food left by people) which is pretty much anywhere.
Pigeons are one of three birds in the world that give a milk-like liquid to their young! Both male and female pigeons store this “pigeon milk” in their crops (a pouch in front of the bird’s throat, and above the chest).
Like most birds, they do have lots of predators like red-tailed hawks, owls, falcons, raccoons and more. One of the strangest pigeon predators in France, is the Wels Catfish! Introduced to France in the 1970’s, these fish destroyed most of the native fish populations, and adapted to hunting pigeons. As the pigeons are bathing and drinking from a river, the oils from their feathers attract the catfish. The catfish can also sense the vibrations in the water, created by the bathing pigeons. Once the fish are in close proximity, they breach onto the shore and grab onto the pigeons with their wide mouths! Crazy hunting! Its very similar to how Orcas (or Killer whales) hunt seals.
2 Indian Leopard
One of the largest cities in the world is Mumbai in India. It is home to over 20,000,000 people! This city is also home to one of India’s biggest predators. The Leopard! Around 30 – 40 Leopards have been documented as living in this crowded city. Thankfully, humans aren’t their preferred prey. Urban Leopards like to hunt domestic animals like pigs and dogs. Like many urban animals, Leopards in the city are mostly nocturnal, where they feel most safe. There are also many stray dogs carrying diseases like rabies that live in this city. One good thing about Leopards living here is they hunt these stray dogs which prevents diseases from spreading further.
3 Coyote
One of the biggest animals I’ve seen in urban environments is the coyote. One of my favorite sightings was in a field (near the busy streets) down from where I live. My mom, brother, and I were delivering meals for Meals On Wheels. We spotted a coyote pouncing on some small animal. Pouncing is a way coyotes catch small prey. It could have been hunting it’s favorite meal. A rodent.
They are one of the most adaptable animals on earth! Before the 1700’s, coyotes lived mostly in central North America (Southern Canada, Central U.S, and Mexico). When Europeans arrived and took over most of their native habitat, Coyotes headed in all directions (Northwest, east, and south) away from people. Today Coyotes can be found almost everywhere in North America. From Alaska, all the way down to Panama! Due to this event, there are now 19 recognized types of Coyotes all over North America!
Coyotes are opportunistic, meaning they will eat almost anything. In the wild, they will eat things like carrion, berries, birds, rodents, insects, etc. In the city, they’ll eat rodents, garbage, people’s pets, and pet food. Like urban Leopards, Coyotes in the city are mostly nocturnal. Coyotes also prevent diseases from spreading, by hunting rodents.
4 Anna’s Hummingbird
One of the smallest birds I’ve ever seen, is the Anna’s Hummingbird. This species of Hummingbird is a permanent resident on the Pacific coast of North America. Like many Hummingbirds, this species drinks nectar from flowers, and also some insects. In the city, they’ll drink sugar water from feeders and will compete with others for it.
This Hummingbird starts nesting around December, or earlier. The female builds a tiny nest (about the size of a quarter), made out of collected spider silk, lichens (mossy type fungus/bacteria), sometimes feathers and more. One very awesome thing about Hummingbirds, is the way they fly. Hummingbirds can flap their wings up to 60-80 times per second! Now that’s a God given super-power!
5 Polar Bear
It might sound strange, but Polar Bears can be found in the city. On land, Polar Bears eat things like kelp, berries, shellfish, eggs, basking walrus and more. In the town of Churchill (in Canada), they will visit the dump to feast on garbage. Polar Bears usually hunt for seals on the sea ice, but when the ice melts in spring, they go into the town to find something easy to feast on. Tourists from around the world, visit Churchill, Manitoba, in Canada to see these wild animals. They will ride on these tall trucks sometimes on the sea ice to get close up views of the world’s largest land carnivore.
All Creation, in the Celestial City!
In most parts of the world, urban animals (native or invasive) have been treated as either pest, disease carriers, or scary. But in the near future, there will be one City, where all creation, including people made in God’s image will come together in peace. That place I’m talking about is heaven!
Even today, we can see certain events and things that are similar to what heaven would be like. For example, in a zoo at Hertfordshire, England, a brave little baby rat stole a piece of meat from a Leopard named Sheena. Instead of attacking the little thing, Sheena showed signs of compassion on it, and as you can see in the picture, she gave the rat a nice nuzzle. This is just one example of what heaven would be like in the end of time.
Heaven is the place where all people and God’s creatures will be at peace with each other. In Isaiah 11, the prophet (Isaiah himself) says that the wolf shall lie with the lamb, and bears will become strict vegetarians again, and a child could stick his hand in the hole of a viper. It also says that a child will lead all of God’s creatures, but we can only wonder who this child could be, until we see Jesus in heaven.
In John 3:16 Jesus says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”.
The only way to heaven (everlasting life) is to know that we are sinners and repent of our sins, and put our faith, hope, trust, and all in Him.
The Final destination for the Celestial City (or Heaven) will be right on earth in the city of Jerusalem! That will be amazing!
“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…” Revelations 21:2
This is maximus adventures, over and out!
0 Responses
You did it again Maximus. Great blog! Very informative and interesting. The pigeons brought back memories of when I was a little girl. We had lots of pigeons in my neighborhood. I lived in Philadelphia. There were also lots of pigeons in Atlantic City, NJ at the shore.
Thanks for thinking of me and sending me your interesting writings.
God bless