On the day after my sixteenth birthday, my family and I went down to Fogarty Creek, which is located somewhere near Newport in my home state of Oregon. My mom and I headed south of the beach while dad and my brother stayed waiting for us. There were tones of tide pools out in the open. It was there where I saw so many kinds of animals, and some that I never seen in my life. Examples are clam worms, ochre sea stars, hermit crabs, anemones, tide pool sculpin fish, and the one that stood out of the crowd. It was an unusual fish, it was about two and a half inches long, and the form of it was like that of a tadpole, But it was larger. I had no idea what the fish could be. I had one possibility, judging by its body shape it would have been some kind of deep sea fish like a snail fish, which are one of the deepest living fish on earth. Me and my mom also saw a huge bald eagle on top of a cliff, and then flying off over the ocean trying to catch fish. But it didn’t get any fish and then returned to the cliff. But my favorite animal on that trip was the unusual fish that looked alien.
Alien Fish Video

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