Smallfoot: the Connection with Biblical Creation

If you have seen this movie before, Small foot is about a very special Yeti, who proves to his own kind the existence of the Small foot (or human beings). The point of the movie is about being “the seeker of the truth”. I won’t explain everything about this movie, but I will give a couple examples similar to the life of the World and Christianity.

1 False Beliefs

In the movie, the yeti leader came up with numerous lies to deceive his own people, for protective reasons. One example is that their “world is an island that floats on a sea of thin less clouds, resting on the backs of the great mammoths”. What does the Bible say about this? Well, one of the ten commandments God wrote to Moses, is “Thou shalt not lie”. Jesus warns us not to lie to one another. A lie can be a very dangerous thing, that can also ruin your relationships with your friends or family. The Lord always wants us to be honest. Other modern examples of lies come from the theory of evolution. First, many secular scientists claim to have found an early ape like creature in Ethiopia (known as ” Lucy” the Australopithecus afarensis). In fact, creation scientists have proven that Lucy was a type of extinct ape. Another example is Tiktallik. Originally believed to be a fossil creature that was half fish, half amphibian. Which has been proven to be a unique kind of fish. Still to this day, evolutionists make up all kinds of lies about Gods creation. How sad is that? Its not just evolution, Its also other foreign and indigenous peoples around the world, who have made up their own false idols and beliefs. Like what Jesus says in John 8:32, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.

2 Free in the Truth

Later on in the movie after the special yeti lied to the whole village about the small foot ( because of a fear issues and protection) the special yeti tells the truth about the small foot, and ends his speech saying that the truth is “better than living a lie. Like way better”. No matter what kind of situation you are in, if it means life and death, or if it’s something important you’re afraid to say, its always important to tell the truth. Truth is something very important that we need in this deceiving world, with all the false teachers ( Joel Osteen, John Mcarthur, etc) and those who support them (Ken Ham, Vodie Bauccum, etc). In these times right now, it’s important to know who is right, or wrong, because if you’re not careful you’re going down a path you were never meant to go. Jesus also says in John 14:6 … “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. Shortly after the special yeti lied about the small foot, he boldly tells his friends and said, “you always search for the truth, no matter what everyone else thinks… but you never let fear get in the way”. That is something that we should always do as followers of Jesus Christ. As encouragement to you, always speak with truth, and “never let fear get in the way”.

This is Maximus adventures, over and out!

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