On a beautiful day in the pacific ocean, a giant sperm whale wakes up from his nap. He prepares to dive deep, breathing in enough oxygen for over one hour. As he begins to dive, the whale uses his echolocation to navigate in the dark depths. When he arrives near the bottom, the sperm whale finds his favorite meal. A giant squid!
Quickly he chases after the squid, but instead of swimming away, the giant squid challenges the whale. It’s a battle that most people have never seen! The whale thrashes around, trying to get the squid in his mouth. The squid wraps it’s arms around the whale, leaving behind scars on the whale’s back, from the sharp suction cups. It also squirts a cloud of ink, to confuse the whale. The whale does not know where the giant squid’s arms are in the midst of a thick bluish-black fog of ink.
As the squid escapes, the sperm whale fires waves of sound so loud it stuns the giant squid. As the whale bites on the squid’s back end, he slowly swallows it whole, and swims back to the surface with victory!
“Praise the LORD from the earth, ye sea creatures, and all deeps”. Psalm 148:7
“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”. Matthew 12:40
Fun fact: The sperm whale is the biggest toothed predator on the planet!
Fun fact: About 7 percent of the time, the sperm whale will sleep vertically under water, usually between 6 p.m. and midnight.
Fun fact: When hunting giant squid, the sperm whale shoots sound out of it’s head as loud as a rocket launch!
Fun fact: Scientists know that the sperm whale hunts both the giant and colossal squid. They have found squid remains in the whale’s stomach.
Fun fact: The eye of a giant squid is the size of a basket ball.
Fun fact: The edges of the giant squid’s suction cups have sharp cutting teeth.
Fun fact: For hundreds of years, most people believed that the sailor’s tales of the giant squid were myth. But thanks to the Lord’s help and wisdom given to man, through modern technology, the giant squid has been proven as a real animal.
God is amazing! He designed two of some of the biggest creatures in the ocean, with immense power, to endure the extreme pressures of the deep sea.
Please enjoy the videos below. They are amazing!
This first video is of a wild giant squid was taken off the Gulf of Mexico, on August 10th 2004.
This video is a re-enactment of what the battle may be like deep in the sea
A Recent Video of a Giant Squid off the coast of Japan – INCREDIBLE!
This is Maximus Adventures, over and out!
0 Responses
Nice read son! Good job .
Great post Maximus!