I want to tell you about an adventure right in my own backyard. My aunt Lori gave me a bird feeder for my birthday. My mom got me a book all about bird watching.
I have seen Western Scrub Jays, Steller’s Jay, Dark Eyed Juncos, House Sparrows, and Mourning Doves. They all come and feast all throughout the day-right in my own backyard!!! I get to enjoy the experience with my mom, dad, and big brother. Even a squirrel came to visit a couple times and did some tricks for us. We threw out peanuts, but the squirrel liked the bird seed better. What we discovered is Steller’s Jay and Scrub jays really love peanuts. All the sudden we saw a whole ton of them swooping, coming from all directions, to devour every single one of those nuts. And then they just left.
One time a bird showed up and I had no idea what kind he really was. I called him the mystery bird for the longest time. He didn’t eat from the feeder and he didn’t stay long. Later I found a picture of his same kind in my bird watching book. He is called the Common Flicker. It is a really beautiful bird. Covered with spots, red on his grey head, long skinny black bill. He is about 12 inches in size and related to the woodpecker family.
I didn’t know about some of these birds before I got this feeder. I didn’t know that these tiny creatures could eat so much either. My big brother is the best about noticing when the feeder is low again and again. Isaac is always on top of making sure God’s little creatures have a new supply of food. I have learned a lot and am sharing some of this with you.
I recommend if you want to learn more about birds to get this book called “Beginning Birdwatcher’s Book” with 48 stickers. By: Sy Barlowe – My mom found my copy at the local home school book store for just $5.00!
First you spot a bird. Find the matching sticker. Put the sticker into the book in the right location. It gives information and facts about that bird. Then there is plenty of room to write some observations. Like the date it was seen, time of day, the location, and any extra remarks.
I hope you enjoy discovering God’s creation right in your own backyard too.
“So God created…every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:21